This page contains a list of all announced operations. To have your operation added submit it here.

AshlandKK8EMA6m, 2m, and 70cmWe will primarily be 2m and 6m on all modes.
ButlerKE8YDX146.490 146.460 146.520 446.000
ClarkKD8RLB2M / 70CMAnalog and maybe digital
ClermontKE8TEY146.460,146.520,146.490 ,446.0 ,446.025,446.10My QTH – M79UC
ColumbianaK8GQB6m, 2m, and 70cmWe will be everywhere!
CuyahogaK8SAS2 meter and 440Trying to outdo myself from last year.
CuyahogaN8ESG2m, 70cm and 6m voice, digital data and other modesEmergency Coordinator
CuyahogaN8RKE2 Meters, 70 cm and 6 metersLooking forward to it
DefianceK8VONCapable all, voice and digitalDefiance Co ARC station
DefianceKD8JSPCapable all, voice and digitalAEC Defiance Co. Home QTH EN71ph
HamiltonN8TFD2-m FM simplexDEC bonus points!
JeffersonKF8AVC2m, 70cm and 6m voice, digital data and other modes
MadisonKE8RV146.52 146.46 446.000Eastern Madison County Fixed station.
StarkW8NP2 meters, 70 cmMassillon Amateur Radio Club
SummitK8ZT6 & 2
SummitWO3X52.525 MHz, 146.52 MHz, 446.0 MHz
UnionNO8Z2m, 70cmFT-991A, Diamond X300A dual-band
VintonWG8X6/2/440I'll be on FM, & SSB.Maybe on RTTY Using mobile antennas
WarrenKF8CYI2m, 70cm, YSFOperate on 2m and 70cm. Can do digital. Especially YSF.